Women in Mobility

A Coffee Table Book featuring the inspiring stories of 24 women leaders we interviewed released in a grand programme, wherein the featured women leaders were felicitated. The event held on 21 April 2022 at Holiday Inn, Delhi.


Mobility is undergoing transformational shifts across social, technological and economic parameters, shaped by the global megatrends around connected, electric, autonomous and shared vehicles. The role of women in shaping mobility of the future has been stronger than ever before.  

Women, across the mobility domain, are not just running hugely successful organisations, but are also leading new-age institutions backed by innovative ideas and technologies.  

Women, in general, are considered to have different needs and behaviours, when it comes to transportation. And hence, to improve mobility for everyone, understanding their perspective becomes extremely critical.

March 8th every year is commemorated as International Women’s Day. At Mobility Outlook though, we believe in celebrating the spirit of women every single day. It is in that spirit that we propose to organise “Women in Mobility” – a discussion on the critical role of female leadership in the Indian mobility industry.

The Execution: 

Every fortnight Mobility Outlookfeatured video interviews of women leaders in the mobility ecosystem, talking about their leadership journey, lessons they’ve learnt and stories they would like to share with young women looking at making a career in mobility industry. 

A Coffee Table Book featuring the inspiring stories of 24 women leaders we interviewed released in a grand programme, wherein the featured women leaders were felicitated. The event held on 21 April 2022 at Holiday Inn, Delhi.


Women in Mobility is envisaged as an annual programme.

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