Electric Vehicle start-up Mecwin India will be investing INR 50 crore to set up a facility to make electric vehicle motors and controllers.
Shiva Kumar H M, Co-founder and Director, Mecwin India, noted that the move has been taken keeping the rising demand of EVs in the country. He stated that the time is right for Mecwin India to contribute to the growth of the EV sector in India.
The start-up aims to develop and manufacture EV motors and controllers indigenously. Mecwin India's upcoming plant will be operational by the end of this year and will have the capacity to manufacture over 2000 units of motors and controllers per day.
An increase in the production capacity will also be on the cards once the yet-to-be operational plant reaches its maximum capacity. A semi-automated plant for making EV mid motors was inaugurated by the company this month.
The start-up has recently forayed into the business of EV retrofitments as well. It had announced a collaboration worth over INR 1,500 crore with Tatva Group to enter into the EV retrofitment business. Mecwin India is aiming to supply half a million EV retrofitting kits under the partnership.
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